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"Uma vida em Timor, mais precisamente na quarta montanha à esquerda, quem vem de Dili... perdida algures numa vila chamada Aileu, Aisirimou"
Para ajudar os projectos do G.A.S.Porto em Timor-Leste, poderá efectuar um donativo, consultando o site http://www.gasporto.pt/ OU através do número 962 256 450
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A respectiva compra reverte totalmente a favor dos projectos do G.A.S.Porto em Timor-Leste."
Do you or your organisation have an interest in DISABILITY?
The DWG has a role of co-ordination, and acts in a professional advisory capacity to policy makers on issues affecting the welfare of people with disabilities in TL.
DATE: Tuesday 21st July 2009
TIME: 08:15 – 17:00
PLACE: Joao Paul II, Comoro
WHO: Both government and NGO sectors or individuals with an interest in disability sector
RSVP/ INFORMATION: 3310373 or 7275618 | dwgtimorleste@gmail.com
Best Regards
Dulce Da Cunha
ASSERT Country Director
+ 670 7275618"
Timor Leste Disability Working Group | Annual General Meeting
Disability Working Group to hold its Annual General Meeting
The Timor Leste Disability Working Group is holding it's first Annual General Meeting on Tuesday the 21st of July at Joao Paul II, Comoro, with registration starting at 8:15am.
People with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups of people throughout the world. They are more likely to be sexually or physically abused, and have reduced access to healthcare and education when compared with the general population. It is estimated that approximately 10% of people throughout the world have a disability.
Timor Leste 2004 Census data reveals that 12% of households have a household member living with some form of disability. Currently in Timor Leste, services and opportunities for people with disabilities are extremely limited. Timor Leste is one of the countries yet to sign and ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Without significant development and co-ordination within the disability sector, life for people with disabilities in Timor Leste will only become increasingly difficult.
The Timor Leste Disability Working Group (DWG), is an umbrella group made up of national and international representatives from both government and NGO sectors. It has a role of co-ordination, and acts in a professional advisory capacity to policy makers on issues affecting the welfare of people with disabilities in Timor Leste. The aim of the DWG is to bring together all people involved in the disability sector and advocate to ensure the development of a comprehensive national approach to rehabilitation, equalisation of opportunities and prevention of disabilities.
Anyone working on disability related issues or programs, or with a particular interest in disability are encouraged to attend the AGM. Nominations for a new executive committee are now open. For further information please contact: dwgtimorleste@gmail.com
July 2009
The Organising Committee For the AGM of DWG TL" (Dulce Da Cunha, ASSERT Country Director, + 670 7275618)
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